The United States Coast Guard light list contains the height, light characteristics, latitude and longitude, fog signals and physical description of every light, sound signal, daybeacon and any other aid to navigation. The Great Lakes Light List is extremely helpful in establishing waypoints while planning routes for each Coast Guard District.
Lights and other marine aides to navigation, maintained by or under authority of the U.S. Coast Guard and located on waters used by general navigation, are described in the Light List. This volume includes aides located in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont (Lake Champlain), Rhode Island, Connecticut and New York to Shrewsbury River, new Jersey. Included are all Coast Guard aids to navigation used for general navigation such as lights, sound signals, buoys, day beacons, and other aides to navigation. Not included are some buoys having no lateral significance, such as special Purpose, anchorage, fish net, and dredging. This publication and the data contained within it is maintained by the USCG and published with permission by Clipper City Publishing, Inc.